As much as I would LOVE to write a stupidity blog on the ability to read time (or inability if you're my mother) I wont. What I will do however is a slightly different approach to HAYA, one which I like to call "Ask A Stupid Question...".
So, you know that most of our entries come from "Yahoo Answers" and while not all the questions are ridiculous, some of the titles for them are downright idiotic.
So here are three (along with a quick caption to each) stupid questions that I've found, along with the relevant HAYASS Scale.

HMM I'm going to go out there and say... 14 pieces of string?
Ronseal Smother: 4 Pillows

Because Anti-Baby Doesn't have the same ring to it. Think before we use our words next time.
Hindsight Smother: 3 Pillows

LUCKILY water doesn't run on electricity.
Common Sense Smother: 4 Pillows.

Joe with a ruthless entry for a ruthless mood, now for a ruthless exit.
I need more ruth's
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