Saturday 16 January 2010

I'm sorry, what?!

This is likely to be one of the more elitist posts that will be uploaded here for the time being, but for someone who enjoys history, reading and discussing, this just makes me die a little inside.

Essentially what this imbecile is asking is when did the United States of America attack the French during either of the World Wars. Now I have I question for this person, where the HELL did the idea that the French were attacked by the US?? Sure we all hate the French in some form or another, but never enough to attack them. Besides who saved them from the Germans, the allies! Although mostly us Brits, the yanks were still scratching their heads wondering how else to prevent minorities from living a normal life, instead of backing us up! So I shall reitterate, France attacked by Germany, US eventually helped to back them up/liberate them.

So now for the rating. For this post I am introducing a dual rating. This is where technically it isn't the stupidest thing someone could ask/do, however in my opinion it is borderline retarded.

As this person is American and like most have very little concept of history, hence it seems to repeat itself over there, the dual rating is justified.

2 Buses, a broken leg.

Personal Opinion:
4 Buses, Intensive Care.

James; off to read another history book to support his own self-righteousness.

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