Wednesday 13 January 2010

There's A Difference...

I've now found proof that there is a vast difference between loving something, and knowing about the same.

You see, If i plan on being "into" something I'll research, I'll try and learn all there is to know, because if you love something, you should know stuff about it. this is the same reason you should know whether your girlfriend is allergic to peanuts. Apparently this isn't true for everyone, as can be seen in today's HAYA entry from "Happy new years to all dog lovers":

As you can see, this guy wants to know if swallowing hair can be dangerous to your health. now, hair is everywhere, which to me should be common knowledge, it falls off and lands places; places where your face might be, therefore you WILL swallow hair. It will and does happen all the time. Unless this guy's dog has a hideous skin/hair disorder, I'm thinking, leprosy or gangrene, he's going to be absolutely fine. Unless I get to him first. I wont even start on the fact he's biting his dog.

2 pillows; a Humane suffocation

Joe; off for some more idiot hunting.

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